Atelier du CERSS au ’Forum Global pour Migration et Développement’’

Side event organisé en marge du ‘’Forum Global pour Migration et Développement’’Marrakech 8 décembre 2018 sous le thème‘’ Migration et Éducation, enjeux et défis pour le Maroc’’

“Honoring International Commitments to Unlock the Potential of all Migrants for Development”

All GFMD 2018 Summit delegates are invited to attend the following side events, to be held at the Palmeira Resorts on 5 to 7 December 2018 in Marrakesh, Morocco. These side events will be held upon the initiative of their respective organizers. While the topics to be discussed may be relevant to GFMD themes and roundtable discussions, the GFMD 2017-2018 Co-Chairs and Taskforce, as well as the GFMD Support Unit, are not directly involved in the organization of these side events.

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